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The Mummy Mot - A Metaphor

RD Physio

Updated: Mar 3, 2023

When something is wrong with your vehicle you get it repaired, you fill it with petrol when its running low and get its yearly MOT.

We all pay for whatever repairs our car needs to be safe and work efficiently.

Perhaps your car may have advisories, or perhaps it needs a new clutch or gearbox, maybe nothing needs to be done with your car and it passes with full colours.

It seems that women get so much support during pregnancy, however when baby is here there is a gap in that same support, both emotionally as well as physically.

The Mummy MOT is something that was introduced to fill this gap.

Performed by a specialist post-natal health physiotherapist, it is recommended for all women following delivery. Helping with altered transfer load, back pain, pelvic pain, and bladder/bowel weakness, just to mention a few.

Taking only 60 minutes, it’s suitable from 6 weeks to 6 years post-partum.

Commonly women can suffer from tummy gap, pelvic floor issues and incontinence.

The Mummy MOT is something that was introduced to fill this gap.

To understand this a bit more, Sandra and I visited a local mum and baby group and one main thing that I realised is the embarrassment and shame that surrounds such issues.

Wouldn’t it be great if mums weren’t shameful of incontinence or pelvic floor issues, their bodies have just gone through the biggest change of their life – of course there may be some new challenges they will have to face. Perhaps they just need a bit of support and guidance to get through.

It was so important to us that the mum’s knew how common this is, and that there is help out there.

Sandra has a keen interest in helping women achieve optimum pelvic health and balance, through manual therapy, targets exercises and functional rehabilitation. The service also offers an internal pelvic examination where necessary.

The Mummy MOT combines the principals of physiotherapy assessment with the practice of functional retraining – working together we can get you back to feeling like you again.

A key part of this is ensuring you maintain a bit of independence from baby. Sandra explained to the new mums at the baby group how important it is for them to take time for themselves and what they enjoy doing. It could be as simple as having a coffee and catch up with a friend.

Sandra also works through emotional issues that mums may face and is a source of useful knowledge and information for them.

She helps mum to work through difficulties that come with motherhood, and most importantly, she helps them to understand that these are normal.

Should mums be really struggling, she has great connections to help those who need it in order to get the support that they require.

Working together we can get you back to feeling like you again.

Of course, it is a ‘one off’ hour assessment with the advice given but of course should you feel it necessary then the MOT can be followed up with further sessions to get you back to optimal health and enjoying life to the full.

Being a mum herself, Sandra understands how frustrating the physical impact that birth can have on our bodies. Some new mums are desperate to get back to exercising, some are unable to participate in fun activities with baby because of fear of wetting themselves, others are seeing the repercussions of a c section etc.

There is such a wide variety of issues that can arise after delivery, every mum has a different experience, and Sandra treats every mum individually.

She has developed a guide to get you back to your chosen fitness activities, providing mums with adaptive ways to continue movement in their daily life.

Sandra treats every mum individually.

Sitting with Sandra at the local baby group, I could clearly see how passionate she is about this service, and how much she truly cares about helping women through these processes.

If you or someone you know has gone through pregnancy and birth, please get in touch today!

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